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About me and my m8s
I luv roxy!

Roxy incase a e of u new guys don't no wot roxy iz its a surfer brand which iz the flashin image next to this peice of writin'

itz meant 4 girls that iz y the symbol iz a heart .I luv the hawian flowers and things they use on thoes type of clothes

My Favorite Things To Do!

I love swimmin trampolinin surfin plain on the computer(msn) and hangin wiv my friends!!!!!!!

Some of My Favorite People
My grandma and grandpa are some of my favorite people. Grandma always has a cupboard full of twinkies and raisen-filled cookies. She also lets me pick my favorite cereal when we go to the grocery store. Grandpa takes us for rides on his four-wheeler when we go to his house in the summer.

zoes website!!!
zoes web site to go on just clik ere

to go on me and my m8s site clik ere

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