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about this page:

I couldn't really think of n e thin to base this page on  so i'm gonna make it up as i go along hav fun!!!

About me (by zoe again if uve read my unfinished page!)

Anna is a gr8 m8. She's really cool and stylish. She's brill at swimmin and other sports but she isn't a tomboy. She loves to hang round with her m8s and really knows how to ave fun. She's great at keepin secrets. She tries her best at school but she's not a boffer (like jamie). She's never mean to anyone and she never breaks up with her friends. She's always helpin her friends when they're in trouble.She has loads of friends.She has good taste in boys and is a real wicked girl.  

Cazes web adress!
zoes gossip page!



Zoe iz a good laugh a iz fun 2 b wiv!I really like havin her around coz she always haz sumfin 2 make me laugh!!!She iz also good to chat 2 on msn or wen u feel like a gossip and she's a bit aof a boy magnet!!!!!

Hope ure avin ' a gd time!!!!